Sunday, August 12, 2007

Falling Stars

Tonight is the main event for the annual Perseid Shower. The sky is clear and there is no moon - perfect for viewing the sky.

The trick is to find a place without the lights of town interfering and without a stand of trees to block vision. Hard to do in east Texas. Even with the cities nearby growing and expanding, there are still thousands of acres of land filled with trees.

I think I have come up with a good place. It's a couple of miles from my home. There is a small hill that overlooks a plot of land where trees have been removed to provide space to grow hay. It faces the east, and there is a driveway leading to the top of the hill. The drawback? The drive leads to an old, family cemetery. Now, I know some people who wouldn't be caught dead (pun intended) sitting there watching shooting stars streaking across the sky in the middle of a cemetery, but that's not a problem for me.

I'm not superstitious nor afraid of the dark. I'll take a large, cold diet Dr. Pepper with me and lock my doors, just to be on the safe side. Too bad I don't have a camera that will take night pictures. I'll bet those pictures would be spectacular.


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